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Entertainment, Sports & Influencer IP

The promotion of brands through entertainers and sports figures, as well as the growth of online platforms and power of influencers, is completely changing the world of IP.
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Rouse advises on all IP and related issues across these industries including the marketing and brand promotion through entertainment and sports figures as well as influencers and other creators. 

Our clients include major brands whom we assist in relation to all aspects of their engagement with the entertainment, sports and influencer ecosystems.  We advise on contract negotiations, foreground and background IP creation and ownership, appropriate protection and use of IP, advertising and promotion regulations, risk assessment for advertising creative content executions,  the imposition and enforcement of exclusivity terms and relations with platforms.

We work closely with entertainment personalities, sports figures and influencers on both the exploitation and enforcement of their personality rights and other IP rights as well as on their contractual and other relations with brands and platforms.  This includes merchandising, sponsorship and talent agreements and other collaborations.

We also act for online platforms on all aspects of their relations with entertainers, sports figures and influencers as well as on their obligations regarding content and how to mitigate risks of platform liabilities.  We advise on market entry and access strategies including deal structures and licensing.  We have recently assisted one major platform to develop take down procedures.

In the field of sports, we have advised leading global companies on their rights in relation to sponsorship of events, licensing agreements, ambush marketing enforcement campaigns. Most recently, Rouse has won record levels of compensation in China for a major sporting brand and managed the largest copyright action in South East Asia to prevent unauthorised broadcasting of sports events.  We have also advised sporting personalities and leading sports businesses in relation to social media issues in South East Asia. 

In the realm of entertainment we have acted for leading movie and video games companies in relation to a wide variety of issues, from brand acquisition, technological measures protection, and enforcement to broader protection of their economic interests in their intangible assets.  We have also assisted a music company to purchase a music platform in South East Asia.  We have assisted a major video games company in relation to private server actions in Asia. 

We have developed a particular expertise in relation to influencers and creators and the overlapping and sometimes conflicting interests between platforms, brands and influencers/creators. 

Services & Solution

We have experienced advisors in:

  • Negotiation and drafting of commercial agreements
  • Exploitation of commercial, marketing and advertising rights
  • Image rights – protection, commercialisation, enforcement and litigation
  • Enforcement of communication and broadcasting rights
  • Data protection
  • Technological measures protection (related to copyright protection)
  • Brand protection and enforcement
  • Influencer marketing
  • Disputes over rights to content
  • Ambush marketing, including managing enforcement around events
  • Brand partnerships – including key brand associations
  • Dispute resolution - litigation and arbitration (including issues around force majeure)
  • Due diligence
  • E-sports and online competitive gaming
  • Gaming companies – enforcement of rights, private server litigation
  • Naming rights – for instance of stadia, stands and training complexes

Our Team

Jin Ling

Principal and Head of Digital & Commercial at Lusheng Law Firm (Rouse's strategic partner)


+86 21 3251 9966

Stina Pilotti

Principal, Sweden Digital & Commercial Head

Stockholm - Rouse

+46 (0)720 087 737

Sunny Su

Principal at Lusheng Law Firm (Rouse’s strategic partner)


+86 10 8632 4000

James Godefroy

Principal, Deputy Global Head of Enforcement


+86 20 8595 5800

Chris Vale

Asia Regional Director & Global Head of Litigation

Hong Kong SAR

+852 3412 4001

Nick Redfearn

Principal, Global Head of Enforcement


+62 21 5080 8156

Holly White

Senior Commercial Lead


+44 20 7536 4185

+46 (0) 70 233 62 62

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