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CNIPA releases half yearly statistics on trade mark filings in China

Published on 02 Aug 2021 | 1 minute read

On the 14th July, the CNIPA provided an update on the half yearly progression on filing registrations in China, to June 30 2021. This covered information on trade marks, geographical indications and patents. The data below shows a rapid increase in trade mark registration in 2021.

Given the large number of valid registrations now in China, we expect the chances of success for future applications will begin to reduce. Inevitably this also means that the risk of infringement will likely increase dramatically.

Brands operating in China are advised to ensure that you allow budget for appeals and actions against citations when filing new applications. Furthermore, in light of the increased risk of infringement, it’s highly advisable that proper searches are conducted before using any marks. This ensures that rights holders have a better understanding of any risk which may be involved.


The key statistics to be as a result of this update are as per the below:

30% Complete
Principal, Global Head of Trade Marks & Brands
+852 2302 0832
+86 10 8632 4000
Principal, Global Head of Trade Marks & Brands
+852 2302 0832
+86 10 8632 4000