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News & Cases from China: July 2021

Published on 28 Sep 2021 | 4 minute read

To read News & Cases from China: August 2021, please click here.





1)知识产权审查能力持续提升。截至6月底,发明专利平均审查周期已压减至 19.4个月,高价值专利审查周期压减至13.4个月,商标注册平均审查周期稳定在4个月以内;


3)国外申请人在华知识产权授权注册继续增长。上半年,国外申请人在华发明专利授权5.4万件,同比增长 30.0%;国外申请人在华商标注册量为9.0万件,同比增长7.5%。其中美国申请人在华发明专利授权、商标注册同比分别增长35.0%和8.9%。

资料来源:IPRdaily  2021-07-14


CNIPA Releases Data for the First Half of 2021

On 14 July 2021, at CNIPA’s regular third quarter press conference in Beijing, the semi-annual statistical data relating to patents, trademarks, geographical indications and layout design of integrated circuits were released.

The data contained three highlights:

1) The continued improvement in intellectual property rights’ examination. As of the end of June, the average examination period for invention patents had been reduced to 19.4 months; the examination period for high-value patents to 13.4 months; and the average examination period for trademark registration to less than 4 months.

2) The number of enterprises with invention patents had increased steadily. By the end of June, there were 270,000 enterprises with valid invention patents, an increase of 24,000 compared with the end of last year. Among these, 126,000 were high-tech enterprises with a total of 1.077 million effective invention patents, accounting for 62.3% of the total number of invention patents.

3) The number of intellectual property rights registered by foreign applicants in China continues to increase. In the first half of the year, foreign applicants registered 54,000 invention patents in China, a year-on-year increase of 30%, and 90,000 trademarks, an increase of 7.5% year-on-year. The number of American applicants for invention patents increased by 35.0% and for trademark registrations by 8.9%.











CNIPA Issues Suggestions on the Amendment of the Measures for the Registration of Patent Pledge (Draft for Comments)

On 20 July 2021, CNIPA released a draft Proposal on Revision of the Patent Pledge Registration Method for comment. 

The main changes to current law are:  

1) in addition to the original methods of mailing and submitting in person, an online processing method is introduced;

2) the processing time for mailing and submitting in person is reduced from seven to five days; online processing time is two days;

3) both pledgor and pledgee can consult CNIPA’s registration documents; and

4) the parties can make a commitment to meet relevant requirements instead of filing relevant documentation at the outset, provided they accept all legal liability for non-fulfilment of the commitment. This will make the registration process simpler and faster.

The aforementioned changes aim to facilitate and promote intellectual property pledge financing by providing a more standardized, convenient and efficient patent pledge registration service.




杭州一中院认为认定君大、爱莲构成商标侵权和不正当竞争,判决两公司停止侵权,君大公司赔偿300万元,爱莲公司赔偿600万元。两公司不服,向浙江高院提起上诉。浙江高院认为君大公司、爱莲公司构成商标侵权和不正当竞争。关于赔偿数额,两公司没有证据证明网店销量系刷单形成,因此一审法院认定赔偿数额的依据无误。且,两公司明知欧舒丹樱花系列商品有较高的知名度,仍恶意攀附商誉,从商标到商品包装全面模仿,侵权商品销售网页的商品介绍亦与欧舒丹樱花系列商品介绍近似,甚至有“数据来源于欧舒丹内部”的表述。在涉诉后,仍然没有停止侵权行为,侵权主观恶意明显, 造成损害后果进一步扩大。遂维持一审判决。


L'OCCITANESA Awarded compensation of 9 Million Yuan (approx. US$ 1.386 Million) for trademark infringement

M&L Laboratory Company (formerly known as L’Occitanesa) is an internationally renowned multinational company that produces fragrance, facial and body care products under the brand name L'OCCITANESA.  Since 2008, its L'OCCITANESA cherry blossom series moisturizer and bath gel (bath lotion) have been its main products in China. In 2016 It registered a cherry blossom graphic trademark, No. 17800581, and in 2019 it became aware that a product named "Cherry Blossom Highlight Body Lotion" was being sold in Junda Biotechnology Development Company’s (Junda) online store. The product bore a cherry blossom graphic similar to the L’’OCCITANESA trademark and was packaged in a bottle similar to that in which the L’OCCITANESA product was marketed.  The manufacturer of the goods in question was Guangzhou Ailian company (Ailian).

The Hangzhou No.1 Intermediate People's Court held that both Junda and Ailian (Defendants) had engaged in trademark infringement and unfair competition.  It ordered the two companies to stop the infringement and pay 3 million yuan(approx. US $ 462,000) and 6 million yuan(approx. US $ 924,000) respectively as compensation. The Defendants appealed to the Zhejiang High People’s Court.

The Zhejiang High People’s Court upheld the decision of the Hangzhou No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court in relation to both trademark infringement and unfair competition. The Defendants knew that the L'OCCITANESA blossom products were famous and had maliciously taken advantage of the brand, imitating it comprehensively, both the trademark and packaging. Further, they had used product information similar to that used in relation to the L'OCCITANESA cherry blossom products - even including the expression "data comes from L'OCCITANESA " - and they had continued to infringe after the action was filed. The subjective malice of the Defendants’ actions was obvious.

As for the compensation award, the Court held that the Defendants had not proved that their sales volume had been generated by click farming (a method used to inflate sales volume as a means of demonstrating the goods’ popularity).  The basis for Hangzhou No.1 Intermediate People's Court’s compensation determination was, therefore, correct.

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