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China IP Updates: January 2022 (Issue 2)

Published on 27 Jan 2022 | 1 minute read

IP News

CNIPA Released Measures on Expedited Examination of Trademark Registration Application (Trial)国家知识产权局发布《商标注册申请快速审查办法(试行)》


The China National Intellectual Property Administration recently released the Measures for Rapid Examination of Trademark Applications (for Trial Implementation) ("the Measures") as well as the Request for Rapid Examination of Trademark Applications and the Guide to Rapid Examination of Trademark Applications, in order to refine the trade mark examination system and further implement the reform to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services in the field of intellectual property rights.

The Measures, which include 12 articles, specify the circumstances for requesting a rapid examination, the conditions and process of the examination, and the reasons for its termination. According to Article 2 of the Measures, trade mark applications under one of the following circumstances are eligible: (1) The trade mark involves the name of a major national or provincial program, key project, important scientific and technological infrastructure, big event, large exhibition, etc., and the trade mark is in urgent need of protection; (2) The trade mark is related to ongoing public emergencies such as especially serious natural disasters, accidents, public health incidents, and social security incidents; (3) The trade mark is necessary to serve the high-quality economic and social development and facilitate the implementation of the Outline for Building an Intellectual Property Power; (4) The trade mark is of great significance to national interests, social public interests, or major regional development strategies.



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