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News & Cases from China: September 2023

Published on 30 Oct 2023 | 6 minute read

Draft ‘Provisions on Regulating and Promoting Cross-border Data Transfers’ Issued by the Cyberspace Administration of China Ease Existing Transfer Requirements   

Date: 28 September 2023

On 28 September, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) released draft Provisions on Regulating and Promoting Cross-border Data Transfers (‘the Provisions’) for public feedback by 15 October.  The Proposals considerably ease the restrictions on cross-border data transfer contained in previous legislation such as the Measures on the Security Assessment for Cross-border Data Transfer and Measures on the Standard Contracts of Cross-border Personal Information Transfer.  They address some of the common compliance challenges being faced by businesses, providing a number of exemptions from, and clarification of, the existing transfer mechanisms.

The following cross-border transfers will be exempted from the transfer mechanism requirements:

  • transfers of data, other than ‘personal information’ or ‘important data’, that relates to international trade, academic cooperation, cross-border manufacturing and production.
  • transfers that are necessary for the conclusion or performance of an international contract to which the individual is a party (e.g. online travel bookings); human resource management; or in emergency situations involving an individual’s life, health and property safety.
  • small-scale cross-border transfer of personal information – where it is estimated that the data to be transferred relates to less than 10,000 individuals within a year.
  • transfers that fall outside the negative list to be issued by Free Trade Zones.

The Provisions include the following clarifications:

  • data will not constitute ‘important data’ unless is has been explicitly defined as such by the relevant authority.
  • where the personal data to be transferred is estimated to relate to between 10,000 and 1 million individuals, a security assessment will not be needed, but a standard contract should entered into and filed with provincial CACs, or a personal information protection certification obtained.

The specific exemptions provided in the Provisions will significantly reduce the compliance burden for cross-border businesses. Data processors will, however, still be required to fulfill their basic data security protection obligations. It is important to note that even though the Provisions shall prevail in case any of any inconsistency between the Provisions and existing rules, such as the Measures on the Security Assessment for Cross-border Data Transfer and Measures on the Standard Contracts of Cross-border Personal Information Transfer, further details on harmonization of these rules may be provided by the CAC in the final version.   

Source: Cyberspace Administration of China










CNIPA Releases Patent Licensing Data in 2022 and the Past Five Years

Date: 21 September 2023

The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) has released patent licensing data relating to agreements filed with the CNIPA in 2022 and the five preceding years.  It aims to provide a reference for patent evaluation and pricing in the context of intellectual property licensing and other transactions, and in the determination of infringement compensation.

In total, 7781 patent licensing contracts were filed with the CNIPA during 2022, involving 17,967 patents, of which invention, utility model and design patents accounted for 49.4%, 42.9%, and 7.7% respectively. Each contract involved an average of 2.3 patents. Most licenses were fixed fee; there were 4531 of these, representing 58.2% of the total and valued at CNY 14.55 billion (approx. US$ 1.99 billion) with an average amount of CNY 3.21 million (approx. US$ 0.43 million) per contract and an average license period of 3.6 years. There were 334 royalty payment licenses with an average license period of 6.3 years and 2,916 gratuitous contracts, accounting for 4.3% and 37.5% respectively.

There were a total of 19,328 patent license contracts filed with the CNIPA from 1 January 2018 to December 31 2022, involving 52,183 patents, with invention, utility model and design patents accounting for 51%, 39.1%, and 9.9%, respectively. Each contract involved an average of 2.7 patents. Most licenses were fixed fee; there were 11,959 of these, representing 61.9% of the total and valued at CNY 39.98 billion (approx. US$ 5.46 billion) with an average amount of CNY 33.43 million (approx. US$ 4.57 million) per contract and an average license period of 3.9 years. There were 1,344 royalty payment licenses with an average license period of 8.2 years and 6,025 gratuitous contracts, accounting for 7% and 31.2% respectively.

Source: China National Intellectual Property Administration





2022年专利实施许可统计数据来源于该年度国知局备案的专利实施许可合同,共计合同7781份,专利17967件,其中发明、实用新型、外观设计专利分别占比为49.4%、42.9%、7.7%,平均每份专利实施许可合同涉及2. 3件专利。从许可费支付方式来看,按固定或可折算金额支付的许可合同共计4531份,占比58.2%,合同金额总计145.5亿元,单份合同平均金额为321.0万元,平均许可期限3.6年;按提成支付的许可合同共计334份,占比4.3%,合同平均许可年限6.3年;无偿支付的许可合同共计2916份,占比37.5%。

2018-2022年专利实施许可统计数据亦来源自国知局备案的专利实施许可合同,共计合同19328份,专利52183件,其中发明、实用新型、外观设计专利分别占比51.0%、39.1%、9.9%,平均每份专利实施许可合同涉及2. 7件专利。从许可费支出方式来看,按固定或可折算金额支付的许可合同共计11959份,占比61.9%,合同金额总计399.8亿元,单份合同平均金额为334.3万元,平均许可年限3.9年;按提成支付的许可合同共计1344份,占比7.0%,合同平均许可年限8.2年;无偿支付的许可合同共计6025份,占比31.2%。




Huawei and Xiaomi Enter into a Global Patent Cross-Licensing Agreement

Date: 13 September 2023

On 13 September 2023, Huawei and Xiaomi announced that they had entered into a global patent cross-licensing agreement, covering the field of communication technologies such as 5G. In January 2023, Huawei filed an administrative patent infringement action with the CNIPA against Xiaomi. The case involved four patents owned by Huawei, relating to the 4G/LTE technology, mobile photography, and mobile unlocking technology. Subsequently, Xiaomi initiated invalidation proceedings with the CNIPA regarding the four patents. In September 2023, the CNIPA upheld the validity of two of the patents, while the remaining two were still under review. The cross-licensing agreement that has been entered into between Huawei and Xiaomi may signal the end of their dispute.

Source: Securities Times








The Supreme Court: Chinese Courts Have Jurisdiction over Case Regarding Global Standard Essential Patent Licensing Fees, OPPO v Interdigital

Date: 12 September 2023

The Supreme People’s Court (SPC) has ruled that Chinese courts have jurisdiction over lawsuits regarding global standard essential patent licensing fees.

The patent dispute between OPPO and Interdigital began at the end of 2021, when Interdigital filed patent infringement lawsuits against OPPO, OnePlus, and Realme in the UK, India, and Germany. The patents involved in the lawsuits included 3G, 4G, 5G, and HEVC standard related patents, and injunctions were sought in all the lawsuits. In response, in January 2022, OPPO filed a lawsuit with the Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court, requesting the Court to confirm the global license rates and other license terms relating to the standard essential patents (SEPs) that Interdigital either owns or has the right to license, in accordance with the FRAND principles. Interdigital raised an objection to the jurisdiction during the defense period, but it was rejected by the Court. Interdigital then appealed to the SPC, which upheld the first instance ruling and confirmed that Chinese courts have jurisdiction over the global patent fee dispute between the two parties.

According to the ruling, the licensed subject matter involved multiple Chinese patents and OPPO’s manufacturing activities relating to exploitation of the patents took place in China.  Chinese courts have jurisdiction over this case, whether as courts in the jurisdiction where the patent was granted, or exploited, or where the license agreement was negotiated, in accordance with the law. Although Interdigital had previously filed patent infringement lawsuits in multiple countries, including the UK, the evidence in the case was insufficient to prove that both parties had reached a consensus on the global license rates determined by the UK court. Therefore, Interdigital’s appeal was rejected.

Source: (2023) Zuigaofa Zhiminxiazhong No. 282







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