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Event: The Rise of Climate Change Litigation in South-East Asia

Published on 06 Apr 2023 | 2 minute read
What business leaders need to know

Climate litigation is on the rise, and businesses are increasingly becoming targets for lawsuits with the accompanying widespread media attention adding to the pressure.

Climate change is giving rise to a surge in legal actions across South-East Asia against businesses and state organisations. As concerns grow over the impact of carbon emissions and slow climate action, companies are finding themselves in the crosshairs of activists, regulators and plaintiffs. The challenges, which cover a wide range of issues such as emissions reduction, low carbon transition drivers, innovation footprint, branding, greenwashing, labelling, and disclosure requirements highlight the growing importance of identifying and understanding the causes of increased dispute risk and taking preventative steps.

What should business leaders and those in the sustainability, innovation, risk or legal functions within large-scale corporates and in the financial services sector do to rise above the climate litigation wave?

Jointly hosted by IP services business, Rouse and global sustainability consultancy, Environmental Resources Management (ERM) you are cordially invited to participate in an  exclusive expert-led workshop to learn about this fast-evolving landscape. Take away key actions to identify emerging exposures and prepare for appropriate strategies in a low-carbon future, including: 

  • 2023 South-East Asian climate change lawsuit trends and triggers 
  • Companies and directors’ liability for contributing to climate change 
  • How to assess climate-related litigation and reputational risks 
  • Scenarios for effective risk planning 
  • Actions that help to minimize risk

We aim for this to be a fully interactive workshop and to allow free and frank discussion, Chatham House rules will apply. Our speakers include:

Yulia Dobrolyubova, Partner, Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change Lead, Asia at ERM - Environmental Resources Management

Yulia has 17 years' experience in consulting and managing projects on climate change, clean energy and sustainable development. She is a lead ERM expert in Asia Pacific for the design and implementation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) and climate strategies for various sectors and clients. She has been driving decarbonisation and climate-risks studies for national, city governments, international organisations and corporate clients. Yulia has worked with various development organisations (World Bank/IFC, EBRD, ADB, United Nations agencies), impact investors and financial institutions, national and city governments, as well as companies across multiple sectors and industries. She is also one of the leading ERM’s experts in Asia in the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Fabrice Mattei, Principal, Global Head of the Rouse Patent Group and Climate Change Head

Fabrice is a Patent Attorney who leads Rouse’s practice on Climate Change focusing on green technologies, litigation and net zero compliance. He has 25 years' experience in litigation in South-East Asia. Fabrice is a member to UCN World Commission on Environmental Law, the Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment and expert to the European Patent Office and the Private Financing Advisory Network of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Fabrice also developed LITIGASIA™ ( which is the first database that tracks climate change and green tech litigation cases in South-East Asia.

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023
2:30pm - 4:30pm (local time)
Bangkok, Thailand


For more information and to register for the event, please contact Catherine Bunyan.

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Principal, Head of Patent Group and Head of Climate Change Group
+662 028 2244
Principal, Head of Patent Group and Head of Climate Change Group
+662 028 2244