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News & Cases from China: August 2024

Published on 30 Sep 2024 | 7 minute read

CNIPA Releases National Intellectual Property Agency Industry Development Status (2023)

Date: 16 August 2024

The National Intellectual Property Agency Industry Development Status (2023) indicates that China's intellectual property agency industry showed a positive trend of steady development in 2023. The industry continued to grow; by the end of 2023, the total number of patent agencies (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan), had increased to 5269, the number of people who obtained the patent agent qualification certificate reached 76,230, and the number of practicing patent agents was 34,396. There are more patent agencies in the economically developed areas in the eastern and coastal areas of China. The top five provinces/cities in the ranking are Beijing, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai, consistent with their ranking in 2022. Beijing has the highest number of patent agencies, with a total of 1042, accounting for 19.8% of the total number of patent agencies; Guangdong ranks second with a total of 853 patent agencies, accounting for 16.2% of the total number of patent agencies in the country.

There are 35,712 recorded trademark agencies nationwide. There are more recorded trademark agencies in the economically developed areas in the eastern and coastal areas of China. The top five provinces/cities in the ranking are Guangdong, Beijing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shandong, the number of trademark agencies respectively being 7599, 4079, 2688, 2402, and 2299, accounting for 21.3%, 11.4%, 7.5%, 6.7% and 6.4% of the total number of trademark agencies in the country.

Source: CNIPA









The Intellectual Property Court of the SPC Releases a Typical Case, Clarifying Standards for Determining E-commerce Platform Display Content and Manufacturing Activities in Patent Infringement Cases

Date: 22 August 2024

The Plaintiff, an Italian mechanical corporation (Italian Company), is the owner of patent number CNB028295110A for an invention titled ‘Bucket for Crushing and Screening Stones’. The Italian Company discovered that the Defendant, a Shandong engineering machinery company (Shandong Company) had published on multiple e-commerce platforms photos of products that were identical to its patented product but marked with the Shandong Company's trademark. The photos were accompanied by information it believed showed that Shandong Company was manufacturing and selling the products, thereby infringing its patent rights.  It brought an action for patent infringement. The court of first instance deemed that the information published by Shandong Company on e-commerce platforms was insufficient to establish Shandong Company's manufacturing and sales activities, and dismissed all claims made by the Italian Company. The Italian Company appealed to the Supreme People's Court.

In relation to the claim that Shandong Company was selling, or offering for sale, the allegedly infringing product, the Supreme People's Court found that the images of the five allegedly infringing products were displayed next to sales links on and another two e-commerce platforms. Shandong company had confirmed that the products in the images were the patented products of the Italian company. Moreover, the sales web pages for the five allegedly infringing products also made extensive use of the images, together with the Shandong Company’s brand, place of origin, price, model, and quantities. This was sufficient to demonstrate Shandong Company’s intention to sell the products displayed on the web page and constituted an act of offering for sale. Shandong Company had also confirmed that the working principle of the allegedly infringing products was derived from the patented products manual of the Italian company. Therefore, it could be established that the technical solutions of the five allegedly infringing products fell within the scope of protection of the paten-in-suit, and the Shandong Company's act of offering for sale constituted the infringement.

In relation to the claim that Shandong Company was  manufacturing the allegedly infringing products, the Supreme People's Court, held that manufacture could reasonably be inferred based on the statements  of origin and quantity on the sales web pages, in conjunction with the content being marked as ‘factory direct sales’ and ‘customized upon request’ on the web page, and the Shandong Company's failure to provide evidence explaining an alternative source of the allegedly infringing products it was offering for sale.

The Supreme People's Court comprehensively considered Shandong Company's various infringing acts, including manufacturing and offering for sale. It found that, knowing that the products infringed, Shandong Company had continued to manufacture, promote and sell the products on multiple websites, displaying patented product photos and describing working principles identical to those of the patented products. It found in favour of the Italian Company and upheld its claim for compensation for economic loss in the sum of RMB 900,000.  (approx. US$ 130,000)

The Court made it clear that it could reasonably infer, on the basis of product model, origin, quantity, and descriptions such as ‘factory direct sales’, displayed in the product sales links on e-commerce platforms, that the allegedly infringing products had been manufactured by the Defendant.   

Source:  The Intellectual Property Court of SPC




原告意大利某机械股份公司(下称“意大利公司”) 是专利号为02829511.0、名称为“用于破碎并筛分石头的铲斗”的发明专利的权利人。意大利公司发现被告山东某工程机械公司(下称“山东公司”) 在多个电商平台上发布的产品照片与其专利产品相同,并标注了山东公司的商标和相关信息,认为山东公司侵犯了其专利权,遂诉至法院。一审法院认为,仅凭山东公司在电商平台上发布的信息不足以认定该公司存在制造、销售行为,驳回了意大利公司全部诉讼请求。意大利公司不服一审判决,向最高人民法院提出上诉。




资料来源:最高人民法院知识产权法庭  2024-08-22


China's First Case of Trade Secrets Infringement in the Field of AI - Defendant Received a 2 Year Suspended Prison Sentence

Date: 2 August 2024

Victim Company (Company A), established in Pudong New Area, is involved in the research, development and sale of artificial intelligence chips. In November 2022, it discovered an unauthorized computer in its server room. Upon investigation, it was found that the computer had been used to copy a large amount of confidential information and upload it to the cloud.  

Following the prosecutorial authorities’ investigation, a reference was found to Guo, one of Company A’s founders, in the promotional material of another technology company (Company B) indicating Guo’s financial involvement. The timing of these activities coincided with the time the confidential information had been copied and uploaded to the cloud. Prosecutors and technical teams conducted a technical review, confirming that the code of confidential information being used by Company B was identical to the code developed by Company A. By means of professional appraisal and reference to similar cases, it was determined that the reasonable license fee for the technical information involved would have been in excess of RMB 2.3 million.

In February 2024, the Pudong New Area People's Procuratorate prosecuted Guo on suspicion of having infringed trade secrets. At the conclusion of the trial, Guo received a two-year suspended prison sentence and was fined RMB 100,000.  (approx. US$ 250,000)

This case is the first case involving infringement of trade secrets in the field of artificial intelligence in China.

Source: SPP







资料来源:最高人民检察院  2024-08-02



Chinese Online Film and Television Platforms' Largest Case of Pirate Linking, Defendants Receive Prison Sentence and Fines of RMB 24 Million (approx. US$ 342.000)

Date: 20 August 2024

Defendants Zhang Ping, Sun Yan and others developed and operated multiple film and television work aggregation Apps such as ‘Film Collection’ and ‘Film Today’, by adopting methods of downloading and uploading popular audio-visual works to their rented cloud storage servers, or purchasing third-party technical parsing services (also known as ‘intercepting playback’ or ‘pirate linking’, which involves writing code to send requests to the platform to obtain playback addresses and remove advertisements, tricking the platform into thinking it is a genuine user request,).  They disseminated more than 83,000 audio-visual works without the permission of copyright owners. The Defendants illegally profited more than RMB 392 million (approx. US$ 55,000,000.00). The appeal of these ‘pirate linking’ Apps is that users   can access content without payment or even registration.

The Xinwu District People's Court in Wuxi City held that the actions of the Defendants constituted the crime of copyright infringement. Ultimately, Zhang Ping was sentenced to five years and six months in prison and fined RMB 20 million, Sun Yan was sentenced to three years in prison and fined f RMB 4 million. The judgment has come into effect.

Source: Xinhua Daily 2024-08-20






资料来源:新华日报  2024-08-20


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