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News & Cases from China: July 2024

Published on 30 Sep 2024 | 10 minute read

CNIPA Issues Notice on Comprehensively Promoting Implementation of Patent Open Licensing System

Reference Number: Guo Zhi Fa Yun Zi [2024] No. 19

Issue Date: 16 July 2024

Effective Date: 16 July 2024

The open patent licensing system, a special licensing mechanism introduced in the fourth amendment of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, represents an innovative approach to patent commercialization. Under the open licensing system, patent holders voluntarily submit a declaration of open patent licensing and specify the payment method and standards for the licensing fee. Once the open license has been announced by the State Council's patent administration department, any entity or individual may obtain a license by notifying the patent holder in writing and paying the fee according to the listed price. The system provides a simple and efficient ‘one-to-many’ patent licensing process, combining increased efficiency and reduced institutional transaction costs.

The Notice focuses on the following aspects:

1. Fully recognizing the significance of implementing the open licensing system. Efforts should be made to increase publicity; activate existing patents held by universities and research institutions; and help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) acquire patented technology at lower costs.

2. Guiding patent holders to submit open license declarations online: patent holders should be directed to use the patent business processing system ( to standardize the submission of open licensing declarations.

3. Facilitating the conversion of previous open licensing pilot projects to actual licenses. Holders of patents that are already the subject of an open license, or are intended to be the subject of an open license, should be guided to submit open licensing declarations. This also involves batch submission and processing to ensure a smooth and expedited conversion.

4. Advising patent holders on reasonable licensing fee estimation. Efforts should be made to promote common payment methods for patent licensing fees, such as one-time payments, royalties, and entry fees with additional royalties. Relevant laws, national standards, and estimation guidelines should be explained.

5. Enhancing the open sharing of information related to open licensing declarations: Intellectual property operation service platforms, industrial intellectual property operation centers, and other related parties should be guided to effectively utilize patent open licensing announcement data and match it with enterprises in relevant industries.

6. Maximizing the role of all parties to promote supply-demand matching. The implementation of policies should be ensured at every stage by integrating efforts to activate existing patents in universities and research institutions, promote the industrialization of patents to support SME growth, and enhance the efficiency of intellectual property in key industries.

7. Guiding the proper recordation of achieved open licenses. Patent holders or licensees should be guided to promptly file with the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) according to relevant regulations.

8. Strengthening the supervision of open licensing and dispute resolution. Provincial (municipal and autonomous region) intellectual property offices should carry out credit supervision to detect dishonest behavior in the open licensing process according to laws and regulations. Patent holders providing false materials or concealing facts should be penalized according to law. Additionally, open licensing disputes should be resolved through self-negotiation or mediation, as guided by the relevant provisions of the ‘Measures for the Mediation of Disputes in the Implementation of Open Patent Licensing (Trial).’

9. Enhancing the publicity, interpretation, and promotion of typical cases related to the system.

Source: CNIPA




















CNIPA: as of June 2024, China's Valid Domestic Invention Patents Reached 4.425 Million and Valid Registered Trademarks 45.909 Million

Date: 29 July 2024

At the ‘Promoting High-Quality Development’ series of press conferences held by the State Council Information Office, Shen Changyu, Director of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), outlined overall progress in the reform and development of the intellectual property (IP) sector, focusing on five key themes: IP creation, utilization, protection, services, and international cooperation. The details of each theme are as follows:

1. IP Creation

High-value intellectual property continues to emerge. As of June 2024, China's valid domestic invention patents reached 4.425 million, with 72.8% owned by enterprises, reflecting heightened corporate innovation activity. The number of high-value invention patents per 10,000 people reached 12.9, achieving the 14th Five-Year Plan target ahead of schedule. Additionally, the number of valid registered trademarks in China hit a new high of 45.909 million. Between January and June 2024, 554,000 invention patents were granted, a 28.0% year-on-year increase, and 2.463 million trademarks were registered, up by 22.0%. Moreover, 111 geographical indication products and certification trademarks were recognized, and 5,365 integrated circuit layout designs were registered.

2. IP Utilization

The added value of patent-intensive industries reached RMB 15.3 trillion (approx. US$ 2.14 trillion) in the first half of 2024, accounting for 12.7% of GDP. From January to May 2024, the total value of IP royalties in relation to imports and exports was RMB 180 billion (approx. US$ 25.2 billion), reflecting a 14.1% year-on-year increase, with exports growing by 17.7%, outpacing the import growth rate by 4.7 percentage points.

3. IP Protection

The newly revised Patent Law has been fully implemented, and the revision of the Trademark Law is now on the legislative agenda of the National People's Congress Standing Committee. CNIPA also issued Measures for the Protection of Geographical Indication Products and Provisions on the Registration and Administration of Collective Marks and Certification Marks. Additionally, CNIPA has initiated pilot programs for data IP protection in 17 provinces and cities, facilitating the circulation and utilization of data as a resource.

4. IP Services

CNIPA continues to enhance the quality and efficiency of IP examination. The average examination period for invention patents has been reduced to 15.7 months, with an accuracy rate of 94.2%. The average examination period for trademark registration remains stable at 4 months, with a qualification rate of 97.7%, reaching internationally advanced levels under the same examination system.

5. International Cooperation:

China remains a global leader in applications filed through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)'s three major systems: PCT international patents, the Hague System for International Design, and the Madrid International Trademark System. As of June 2024, foreign entities held 919,000 valid invention patents and 2.135 million registered trademarks in China, reflecting year-on-year increases of 3.9% and 3.8%, respectively.

Source: State Council Information Office





具体来看,在知识产权创造方面,高价值知识产权不断涌现。截至2024年6月,我国国内发明专利有效量达到442.5万件,权利人为企业的发明专利占比提升到72.8%,企业创新更加活跃。每万人口高价值发明专利拥有量达到12.9件,提前实现国家 “十四五” 规划预期目标。国内有效注册商标量达4590.9万件,再创新高。其中,2024年1月至6月,我国授权发明专利55.4万件,同比增长28.0%;注册商标246.3万件,同比增长22.0%;认定地理标志产品和核准地理标志集证商标共111件,登记集成电路布图设计5365件。








SPC Releases a Typical Case, Clarifying Evaluation Factors for Internet Web Page Images and Video Disclosure in Patent Authorization and Confirmation Cases

Date: 12 July 2024

Beijing Zi A Technology Co., Ltd. (‘Zi A Company’) is the holder of an invention patent: ‘Multifunctional Handheld HD X-ray Detector,’ number 201310354697.8. On March 24, 2020, Beijing Jing B Technology Co., Ltd. (‘Jing B Company’) filed a request for invalidation of the patent, relying on notarized copies of videos and images from YouTube and Facebook as evidence. 

The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) determined that the evidence provided by Jing B Company did not establish that the invention patent had been made continuously available to the general public before the invention patent application date. Consequently, the videos and images published on YouTube and Facebook did not constitute prior art that would defeat the novelty and inventiveness of the patent. The CNIPA, therefore, upheld the validity of the patent.

Dissatisfied with this decision, Jing B Company filed a lawsuit with the Beijing Intellectual Property Court, requesting annulment of the decision and an order that the CNIPA issue a new decision. The Beijing Intellectual Property Court overturned the CNIPA’s decision, ruled in favor of Jing B Company, and ordered CNIPA to issue a new decision. Zi A Company, dissatisfied with the first-instance judgment made by the Beijing Intellectual Property Court, appealed to the Supreme People's Court (‘the SPC’).

The SPC, at second instance, ruled that the publication date of images and videos on internet websites should be determined with reference to a high degree of probability standard. The determination should be made on the basis of a comprehensive consideration of the website's credibility, operational management model, and technical methods, focusing on the editing and publishing mechanisms of the images and videos.

In this case, because Facebook and YouTube allow users to edit the publication date, and changes in the publication status do not affect the displayed publication date, the evidence provided by Jing B Company was insufficient to prove that the videos and images had been made public at the displayed publication date. This evidence could not, therefore, be relied on as prior art that would destroy the novelty and inventiveness of the patent. Consequently, the SPC overturned the first-instance judgment of the Beijing Intellectual Property Court and dismissed claims raised by Jing B Company.

Source: The Intellectual Property Court of the SPC







资料来源:最高人民法院知识产权法庭  2024-07-12



Shandong High People's Court Holds Recommended National Standards Capable of Copyright Protection. Infringer Ordered to Pay Compensation of RMB 150,000 (approx. US$ 21,005)

Date: 14 July 2024

 China Quality Standard Publishing & Media Co., Ltd. (‘Quality Standard Company’) publishes recommended National Standards. In 2022, it discovered that Yantai Foodmate Information Technology Co., Ltd. (‘Foodmate Company’) had, without authorization, provided free reading and downloading services for the recommended National Standards through its website ‘’ and related WeChat public accounts, and through APP programs. Quality Standard Company claimed that Foodmate Company had infringed its right of communication via information networks and disrupted the normal publishing and dissemination order of National Standards. It filed a lawsuit in the Yantai Intermediate People's Court, Shandong Province, seeking cessation of the infringement and demanding compensation for economic loss and reasonable expenses totaling over RMB 8 million (approx. US$ 1,120,256).

The Yantai Intermediate People's Court held that the recommended National Standards, being voluntary technical norms, did not have the nature of laws or regulations, and were not necessarily formulated or issued by state organs. It should, therefore, be recognized that they can constitute a ‘work’ for the purposes of the Copyright Law.

The recommended National Standards involved in this case were developed following the provisions of the Standardization Law, and the related text, tables, and data created as a result of this process involved creative effort and originality. They, therefore, met the requirements for protection as a ‘work’ and should be protected under the Copyright Law.

In summary, the Yantai Intermediate People's Court ordered Foodmate Company to cease the infringing activities and to compensate Quality Standard Company for economic loss and reasonable expenses, totaling RMB 150,000 (approx. US$ 21,005). Foodmate Company, dissatisfied with the first-instance judgment, appealed to the Shandong High People's Court.

On appeal, the Shandong High People's Court upheld the decision of the lower court. It held that the recommended National Standards were the subject of copyright protection under China's copyright law, and confirmed that Quality Standard Company held the right of communication via information networks in respect of them. It was entitled to take legal action and seek compensation for infringement of this right by others. Shandong High People's Court also ruled that Foodmate Company's unauthorized online dissemination constituted infringement. The judgment in this case is now final.

Source: Sina Tech









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