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Seminar: New rules from the EU require a sustainable transition

Published on 10 Oct 2022 | 1 minute read
The SPR regulation requires companies to actively contribute to a sustainable transition

The European Commission has presented a proposal for a new regulation regarding sustainability for products sold on the EU market. The regulation concerns products' eco-design and circularity and will set conditions for the entire production chain. All in all, the regulation will be extensive and will affect a number of actors worldwide.

With a focus on sustainability over the entire life cycles of products, the regulation will, in four different parts, contain requirements for everything from the possibility of reuse, recycling and disassembly, to transparency, traceability and openness from manufacturing to destruction. Furthermore, there will also be requirements for public procurement, which further contributes to the scope of the regulation.

How will ESPR affect you and your business? How will the regulation be handled and what changes will need to be made? What will be important to consider in order to gain competitive advantage?

On Thursday, November 10 (at 08:30-09:30), Rouse Sweden is organizing a free breakfast seminar in Stockholm on this interesting theme. Hosted in Swedish, listen and talk to our lawyers and others in the industry to learn more about the upcoming regulation and how you can best manage these changes. Please click here to see more on the event.

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Principal, Sweden Digital & Commercial Head
+46 (0)720 087 737
Principal, Sweden Digital & Commercial Head
+46 (0)720 087 737