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Webinar: Putting Innovation Centre-Stage in your Organisation

Published on 23 Nov 2023 | 1 minute read
How can good IP management help your business recognise the value of innovation to achieve your business’s ambitions?

At a time when budgets are under pressure, it can be tempting to focus on short-term survival by cutting innovation budgets, especially where there is uncertainty about the value of what is produced. This may help to steady corporate nerves temporarily but with longer-term implications of this reduction in activity. How can good IP management – and an IP strategy – help you to help the business recognise the value of innovation to achieve your business’s ambitions?

In this webinar from Rouse Consultancy and in conjunction with Lexology, Thomas Randes and Hannes Ludvigsson will demonstrate how innovation brings benefits at every stage of an organisation’s lifecycle (including when it is at its most fragile), help to breakdown the risks when taking a red pen to innovation budgets, and showcasing how the advantages of highlighting innovation outside R&D in the broader corporate consciousness by introducing the concept of Control in IP Management.

Thursday 14 December, 4-5pm UTC

**To register, please click here.**

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