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ESG Policy

Our commitment to ESG reflects our dedication to following responsible, sustainable, and ethical business practices, adopting the goals set out in this document.

At Rouse, we are committed to the principles of Environmental, Social, and Governance as integral components of our business strategy. We recognize that our actions and decisions impact not only our staff, clients and suppliers, but also the broader global community. We operate in the field of intellectual property protection which we believe can be a powerful force for advancing the ESG agenda internationally.

Our commitment to ESG reflects our dedication to following responsible, sustainable, and ethical business practices, adopting the goals set out in this document. These will be achieved through a variety of area specific policies, training, engagement with stakeholders (including suppliers), communication and reporting. Rouse has an ESG Committee which steers our ESG activities, reporting to the Board through the COO. We work with specialist external advisers to guide us on best practice.

To read our complete policy, please click here.