Rouse is the business name of the international IP services business carried on by the Rouse Network. Rouse International Limited is a company registered in England and Wales under number 12478053.
Its registered office is at 6th Floor, 1-6 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9AA, United Kingdom.
Rouse International Limited is not regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) or the Intellectual Property Regulation Board (IPReg).
Rouse International Limited provides internal business services such as management, marketing, IT and finance to Rouse in the UK and elsewhere. It does not provide advice to clients.
Companies Act Section 172 Statement
The Directors of Rouse International Limited, individually and as a board, believe that they have acted in good faith and that their decisions were most likely to promote the success of Rouse International Limited and of the Group for the benefit of its stakeholders as a whole (having regard to the stakeholders and matters set out in S172 (1) (a-f) of the Companies Act 2006) in the decisions taken in the year ended 30 April 2022.
Report of the Directors and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 April 2022