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Webinar: China’s Cybersecurity Law and International R&D Collaboration

Published on 19 Jun 2019 | 1 minute read

Demystifying China’s legal and regulatory landscape in relation to scientific data

The introduction of China’s Cybersecurity Law in 2017 established a completely new framework for data management in China, including specific considerations around scientific data.  

This change in Law could impact on existing as well as new international R&D collaborations with China. Despite the law being enacted two years ago, there are still many uncertainties around its implementation.   

This webinar hosted by Holly White and Sunny Su will:

  • Explain the Cyber Security Law and the regulations which impact on R&D partnerships.
  • Explore the Chinese Government’s classification of different data sets and what to look out for when establishing data sharing activities.
  • Review common challenges and how to overcome them.

Holly White is a Senior Consultant at Rouse Consultancy specialising in innovation and technology. Sunny Su is Senior Associate of Lusheng law firm, a strategic partner of Rouse.  

The webinar will last approximately 45 minutes including Q&A. It will also be recorded. Please sign up to get reminders for the live event and access to the webinar with slides afterwards.


Date: Wednesday 10 July 2019


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